Monday, August 29, 2011

Hey there...

Hey to whomever this may concern, my name is Cristina and I am currently a senior at CSUN pursuing a BA in graphic design. Although it took me a year and a half to declare this major, I quickly realized that I was very intrigued by the notions of graphic design. I loved the idea of designers being able to express themselves through this visual communication. I also loved knowing that in designing there is no right or wrong, instead it can be about feelings and experimentation.  

Since graduation is right around the corner, my concerns are growing larger and larger about 'WHAT'S NEXT?!" As of this moment I can honestly say I don't know and that is terrifying to me. I have an internship in mind at a small publishing firm that may be available within the upcoming months. *fingers crossed* Some areas of interest of mine are advertising, book/poster design, and packaging design. But because I do not know much about packaging design I'm hoping to walk away from this class with a better understanding of the fundamentals and process that goes into designing packages, and of course some really cool art pieces for my portfolio. 

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