Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Project 1 sketches

I have 5 different containers/packaging options. Still need work on the composition of the label.


  1. Hey Christina! I really liked the idea you had for switching up the packaging. I've agreed from the beginning that the Haribo bags are awful so when I saw you wanted to box the candy I thought it was a nice direction to take. I specifically like the small box in the bottom left. It solves the problem of packaging and the fact that haribo is a hanging product. I know you're not completely solid with your composition yet but if you were going to go with the bottom left idea, i'd think about incorporating the illustrations from the top right.

    - Anthony B.

  2. I'm really drawn to your idea of creating a logo for the gummy bear brand. I think it will further enhance the design.
    In terms of the structure, I think the cube works well because its much more stable when stacked. The zip seal is also a practical approach on keeping the product fresh.

  3. I like the tin ideas with the cutouts. Kids love boxes, great to reuse and store away.
    The circular tin, not so much. I like the idea of stack-able items. The circular would be harder to deal with on a shelf.

  4. I agree with Jethro, designing a graphic logo in place of Haribo's type logo. I think it might capture more attention because of the graphics.
    Structure-wise, the box that has a clear top seems to be a good direction to go, however, considering how its going to be placed differently off the shelf, it might cause some slight problems selling the product off the market.

  5. Your new logo design looks great. I really like the curves of the H. As for your package design, I think the plastic resealable package is cheapest to produce and most practical. I really like the resealable bag. If its possible to produce, i do like the middle package on the right side with the smoothened out corners.

  6. Great logo design, and i really think it'll be cool and playful if you have it in a metal tin with a clear top. kids can see what they're gonna be eating and how much is left.

  7. awesome structure concepts, i like the cylindrical container you have since your trying make the container re-usable so you don't have to eat all of the gummi bears at once. As far as the logo, i like the swirling "H" might want to explore different type in terms of selling it to children. Overall i think you know where you want to go with this project! Good job! keep up the good work!
