Tuesday, October 18, 2011

special edition dvd packs

Here are some current special edition movie dvd packs.

I've noticed that besides the blu ray dvds it also includes a small booklet or behind the scenes dvds with extra commentary.

I have chosen to design a blu ray dvd set for the television series I Love Lucy. I am a huge fan of her show and own every single dvd of hers so this project is definitely a huge interest of mine. These are the current packaging for her dvd I Love Lucy series. I would love to redesign the outside packaging and even include a small booklet inside. Instead of including all of her shows I'm thinking of calling it 'The Best of Lucy Ricardo' or 'The Best of Lucille Ball.'

Sunday, October 9, 2011

sketches for project 2

structural ideas

all of the packaging is resealable. all are so different that it's hard to pick a certain style.

logo/ layouts

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Redecorating a Rainbow

I recently took a trip to a Vallarta market known for it's Hispanic products. I stumbled across this all purpose detergent that is currently packaged in a plastic bag.

I want it to appeal to homeowners 30's-40's, create a structural design maybe include a window so the consumer can see the product. Arcoiris means 'rainbow' so I may want to incorporate some of the rainbow colors to differentiate between scents.

Competitors: All, Ajax, Tide, Purex

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Project 1 sketches

I have 5 different containers/packaging options. Still need work on the composition of the label.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Sample Packaging

Good vs. Bad

The Bad
In my eyes bad packaging can consist of poor quality graphics that may turn off or confuse a consumer. Or it can simply mean poor packaging concepts.

This brand of cola may use bright colors to attract the consumer but the labeling and the packaging doesn't say anything about the product.

This is a bottle of french dip sauce, and at first glance I thought it was a maple syrup container until I read the label. But I feel putting the sauce in a packaging that already has connections to a different product can send the wrong message to consumers.

This spread of chicken was an example of excessive packaging. It was a metal can wrapped in paper, when it could have easily just have been a can with a label around it.

This is also an example of excessive packaging; clearly these soup crackers could have been kept in a smaller container or bag.

I saw this product on the shelf and was unable to figure out what it was. You may be able to see the product through the clear packaging but when the label wasn't able to clarify what was inside, I put back the product.

The Good
Good packaging easily appeals to a consumer yet is very informative, convenient to use, and is able to protect the product.

This baby food caught my eye because it was unique as opposed to the typical jarred food. The packaging is very convenient to both the parent and child by being able to feed without a spoon. The labeling is also very clear showing a baby, and the flavor was displayed in pictures.

These Coffee Bean teas are very uniform and color coded. There is a good sense that these packages all go together in a series, and they were packaged in tin cans with a removable lid which is convenient to have for something you open and close numerous times.

These Wheat Thins packaging was not your typical rectangle packages which is what got my attention. Creating a package with a unique shape even if it's a slight change can make a difference and it can get the attention of a consumer.

I liked the Jones drink packaging because it was informative and the packaging corresponded with the color of the drink. So all the drinks looked like a cohesive whole.

The Frontera salsa's were also appropriately packaged. It's labels were very uniformed, just a color difference between the salsas indicated the different flavors. What made this salsa stand out from all the other salsas on the shelf was it's lid; the lid was also decorated and it gave it that extra detail that the other lids didn't have.

Monday, August 29, 2011

3 of my favorite pieces

Unfortunately I have no artwork to show that was done outside of school, so these three pieces were school assignments. But these pieces are my favorite because I feel they all are very clean, simple, yet creative compositions.
Eco-friendly light bulb packaging 
Art 344, Barbara Odza

A redesigned website for the charity, Music LA
Art 301, Louis Solis

Redesigning book covers for a series of books
Art 343, Magdy Rizk

Hey there...

Hey to whomever this may concern, my name is Cristina and I am currently a senior at CSUN pursuing a BA in graphic design. Although it took me a year and a half to declare this major, I quickly realized that I was very intrigued by the notions of graphic design. I loved the idea of designers being able to express themselves through this visual communication. I also loved knowing that in designing there is no right or wrong, instead it can be about feelings and experimentation.  

Since graduation is right around the corner, my concerns are growing larger and larger about 'WHAT'S NEXT?!" As of this moment I can honestly say I don't know and that is terrifying to me. I have an internship in mind at a small publishing firm that may be available within the upcoming months. *fingers crossed* Some areas of interest of mine are advertising, book/poster design, and packaging design. But because I do not know much about packaging design I'm hoping to walk away from this class with a better understanding of the fundamentals and process that goes into designing packages, and of course some really cool art pieces for my portfolio.